Movers who also pack?

Most professional moving companies offer both moving and packing services. At Sunnyvale Movers, you can hire just movers, just packers, or both packers and movers. We would suggest you hire us for full service, both moving and packing. Our employees are a team of experienced and professional local packers and movers who use brand new moving boxes, wardrobe boxes, quality packing paper and packing tape, plenty of bubble wrap, and other professional packing supplies to pack your items for moving. The quality of the packing materials is in direct proportion to the safety level of your belongings during a move. Sunnyvale Movers will make your move goes as smoothly as possible.

What if movers break something?

At Sunnyvale Movers, basic coverage insurance is included, so if happens that packers and movers break something, we will make it up to you. But our packers and movers are well-trained and experienced professionals so that is really unlikely to happen.

What do movers cost?

Local movers are usually paid hourly. At Sunnyvale CA movers, our movers are also paid hourly and we will make sure they work the minimum hour. Besides, there are no extra taxes so you won’t be surprised by some hidden costs.

How movers and packers work?

We can’t talk about other moving companies, but at Sunnyvale Movers, the first thing you should do is get your free moving quote. After that, we would agree about the moving date and about every detail of moving. When the day comes, our main mover would provide you with a free time estimate and our packers and movers would start with packing and moving your items. Get your free moving quote today!

Where to find movers?

A lot of people are moving houses, offices, storages, or apartments these days, so finding movers became a lot easier than a few years ago. You can just ask some of your friends, colleagues, or neighborhoods. The easiest way is to just google it. You can type ‘Movers Sunnyvale CA, moving services Sunnyvale CA, moving help Sunnyvale CA,  local movers near me, furniture movers near me, local furniture movers, local moving companies, etc’  and there will be more than a few moving companies. We can assure you our moving company Sunnyvale Movers is the right fit for you! Call us ASAP!

Why hire professional movers?

There is more than one reason why you should hire professional movers, but we will make it simple. Hiring professional packers and movers will make your move easier and stress-free. You can just sit and relax while our team of professional packers and movers do everything for you and your family. You won’t waste your time, energy, and money, you can focus on other aspects of your moving. You can say goodbye to your neighborhoods, favorite local place or you can just prepare for your new home.

Which packers and movers are good?

We can only speak for ourselves, and our moving company Sunnyvale Movers is more than good. We have more than 20 years of experience and more than 2000 satisfied customers each year. Our work speaks for us! If you are in a need for packers and movers, hiring Sunnyvale CA Movers will be your best decision ever! Call us and get your free moving quote today!

Will movers take apart the bed?

At Sunnyvale CA Movers, our packers and movers always disassemble big pieces of furniture to make moving more easier. When unpacking, they will assemble it back. Big items will also be arranged within the house. So if your bed is a large one, they will take it apart, but if we are talking about a kid’s bed, for example, there would be no need for taking it apart.

Can movers move a pool table?

Unfortunately, our moving company does not move pool tables, even if they are disassembled. We just can not be responsible for what could happen to it. We also don’t move saunas, hot tubs, grand pianos, restaurant, medical, dental equipment, any kind of alcohol and flammable items, pallets with things, or without them. At Sunnyvale Movers, we care for the safety of your stuff and we can not guarantee the items we mentioned above.

When to schedule movers?

The best time to get in touch with the moving company is as soon as you decide to move. It’s better if you do it a few months before the move, so you can pick the date that suits you the most. At Sunnyvale Movers, you can also call us a few weeks before the move and we will make sure to find some date that suits both you and our movers. But, as we already said, if you call us earlier we can be more flexible with dates. So, what are you waiting for? Get your free moving quote today!